Kevin’s blog

Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.

Linden Bateman’s art of the signature

Let the record be clear: Rep. Linden Bateman is really serious about handwriting. And pretty darned good at the craft, too. On Tuesday morning, the House Education Committee introduced the Idaho Falls Republican’s proposal requiring elementary schools to teach cursive handwriting. Later that afternoon, Bateman stopped by the Statehouse press bullpen for a little impromptu…

Otter: State cannot cover $9 million for ‘equity’

The state does not have the money to erase several years of university funding inequity in one year, a spokesman for Gov. Butch Otter said Monday evening. In his budget presentation Monday, Boise State University President Bob Kustra appealed to the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee to find the “equity” money, intended to cover enrollment increases. The…

Kevin Richert

National director shares teacher turnover stats

Michelle Exstrom, education program director with the National Conference of State Legislatures in Denver, spoke to the Senate Education Committee Monday afternoon after teacher turnover.

Kustra: Nothing wrong with increasing tuition

Boise State president Bob Kustra says the price of college is not so high that it turns students away. He also said BSU’s student demographic has changed in the past decade.

Kevin Richert

Introducing: “The EDge”

The EDge is a new feature where Kevin Richert provides the story behind the stories he covers for Idaho Education News.