Idaho education leaders reassure families after federal immigration policy change

Idaho education leaders are reaching out to concerned families to assuage fears and reinforce that classrooms are safe places in the wake of a federal policy change that would allow agents to make immigration arrests at or near schools. 

In a letter to school administrators Monday, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield reiterated three points:

  • All children have an equal right to enroll and participate in public schools.
  • Idaho’s public schools do not collect information about students’ or families’ immigration status (and are not allowed to), and therefore cannot share it with law enforcement agencies.
  • Idaho districts and charter schools should already have procedures in place should an immigration agent request access to a student.

Critchfield also cited a federal fact sheet on student enrollment rights, which states that schools may not prevent or discourage a child from enrolling in or attending school because the student lacks a social security number, lacks a birth certificate or has a foreign birth certificate. 

Critchfield wrote the letter after Idaho school leaders reached out to the Idaho Department of Education for guidance, said Scott Graf, a spokesman for the IDE.

“We’re not advocating for or against any specific actions on (school districts’) part, but are interested in making them aware of the applicable laws so they can adhere to them accordingly,” Graf wrote in an email to EdNews.

At least four school districts —  including American Falls, Aberdeen, Blaine County and Jerome — sent out messages and letters to parents within the last week about the policy change.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials made the policy change Jan. 20, Kalyn Belsha of Chalkbeat reported. Security officials rescinded a previous policy that designated schools, child care centers, churches and hospitals “as ‘sensitive’ or ‘protected’ locations where immigration enforcement should only take place when there is an immediate danger to the public.”

What Idaho school leaders are telling their communities about the immigration policy change

At least four school districts have sent letters or messages to parents reiterating that students’ and families’ immigration status is not collected or shared.

Randy Jensen, the American Falls School District superintendent, posted a letter about the policy change on social media Saturday. 

“The (district) understands this is a concern for many in our community and want you to know we are aware of this change in federal policy,” he wrote. “We remain committed to providing an equitable and supportive learning environment for every student.”

Jensen encouraged parents to update their emergency contact information, and said counselors were available at schools for students who “experience any anxiety, stress or fears in response to changes in federal immigration enforcement guidelines.”

If immigration agents came to school and requested access to a student, Jensen said the district would consult with legal counsel and notify parents immediately, before granting access. The district would also share the details of the situation with parents and inform them of their rights, Jensen said. 

“We believe really strongly in parent rights,” Jensen said in a phone interview. “I think in Idaho, everyone wants parent rights” and if an agent wanted to talk to a student, a parent should be present. 

“Our biggest concern is we want to educate all kids … We want every kid in school that can be here,” Jensen continued. 

At nearby Aberdeen School District, Superintendent Jane Ward sent a message to parents via Powerschool, an education software platform. Monday, some called and asked if immigration agents could take students from the classroom. Ward advised them to reach out to a lawyer for clarification.

She told EdNews that if immigration agents requested access to a student, she would contact the district’s attorney for guidance and would do what the law required. 

For now, she is telling parents to send their children to school and that “they’ll be fine.”

Jim Foudy, superintendent of Blaine County School District, shared a letter with parents via PowerSchool on Jan. 23.

Foudy told EdNews he doesn’t anticipate federal agents coming into schools because their primary focus is on arresting or detaining undocumented immigrants who have committed serious crimes. If a student did have family members arrested and did not have another guardian, the school would work with social services to secure foster placement, he said. 

Foudy also said attendance was stronger last week — when the policy change was announced — than it was the week prior. 

The Jerome School District last week issued a joint statement with the Jerome Police Department about the policy change. 

The statement echoed those of other school districts, with some additions — such as ensuring that the district would not confirm whether a student was enrolled in a school without a warrant. 

The statement also debunked “misconceptions … that parents are not sending students to school to prevent the immigration process. School attendance is mandatory. Our schools are still the safest place for students in our community and the best way for them to achieve their goals regardless of their status.”

The Jerome School District did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and the Jerome police chief could not be reached. 

Carly Flandro

Carly Flandro

Carly Flandro reports from her hometown of Pocatello. Prior to joining EdNews, she taught English at Century High and was a reporter for the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. She has won state and regional journalism awards, and her work has appeared in newspapers throughout the West. Flandro has a bachelor’s degree in print journalism and Spanish from the University of Montana, and a master’s degree in English from Idaho State University. You can email her at [email protected] or call or text her at (208) 317-4287.

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