
Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.

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Idaho lawmakers should make it easier for citizens to participate during the session

Ready or not Idaho’s 2025 Legislative Session starts on January 6. Many important policies will be considered ranging from education choice to tax reform. There will also likely be a surprise or two. It is of paramount importance for Idahoans to have the ability to be actively involved and heard by their elected officials during…

Idaho schools: Giving and gratefulness on display this holiday season

This spirit is alive and well in our learning communities year-round, it’s never more visible than during the holiday season

Bibles should be in schools

Don’t be fooled by the nonsensical propaganda about sectarian indoctrination or forced conversion.

Can second grade math redeem school choice?

Do private and homeschool families really save the state enough money to fund three education systems?

Energy efficiency incentives benefit Boise and other Idaho schools

The Boise School District has earned national recognition as a leader in energy efficiency.

The referendum is the ultimate answer to the school voucher fight in Idaho

Sixty-five percent of voters in deep-red Kentucky voted against school vouchers.

Giving thanks for those volunteers who took on the party bosses on Prop 1

Even though Prop 1 lost, there is much to be thankful for in this Thanksgiving season.

Idaho’s grocery tax is a real turkey, but state income tax is the pig

Taxing food is not popular. And taxing work shouldn’t be either.

Childcare is one solution for Idaho’s healthcare workforce shortages

For many healthcare workers childcare costs are eating up their paychecks.

Idaho should reform its ballot fiscal impact statement process

The need for this type of reform came into clear focus with the most recent debate surrounding Proposition 1.