Plan B? West Ada accepts trustee applications

The tumultuous West Ada School District is putting out the help wanted sign.

West Ada district logoWith four of its five trustees facing a possible recall election in May, the state’s largest district is accepting applications for new trustees.

Would-be trustees can apply online. District residents can also fill out an online survey.

“This is an effort to allow the public the ability to participate in determining the most desirable qualifications for the person that will fulfill the remainder of a departing trustee’s term,” the district says on its website.

Superintendent Mary Ann Ranells described the trustee search as a proactive move, Meridian Press reported this week.

While the district has no board vacancies now, board chairwoman Tina Dean and trustees Russell Joki, Julie Madsen and Carol Sayles could face recall elections on May 17. Recall organizers turned in petitions last week with Ada County elections officials — but an attorney for Joki and Sayles is challenging the recall, saying organizers fell far short of the signatures necessary to trigger an election.



Kevin Richert

Kevin Richert

Senior reporter and blogger Kevin Richert specializes in education politics and education policy. He has more than 35 years of experience in Idaho journalism. He is a frequent guest on "Idaho Reports" on Idaho Public Television and "Idaho Matters" on Boise State Public Radio. He can be reached at

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