Sleep, play and read — keeping kids busy over the holiday

With school out for the winter holiday break, what will you do to keep your kids busy?

My family looks forward to three things; sleeping, playing and relaxing.

My kids are very excited to sleep in (especially the teenagers). I am excited to sleep in (I’m a teenager at heart). And my little kids need more sleep. We have had a nasty cold going around our family, so we are all looking forward to resting and getting better.

We play outside. One of my favorite things about Idaho, is the snow. We try to enjoy the break by getting outside everyday. We sled, we ski, and we make elaborate snow forts. We also wear a lot of layers and drink a lot of hot chocolate.

If there’s no snow or if your family doesn’t like being cold, Boise has a lot of great indoor options. My family loves to explore and learn at the Discovery Center or to see a play at the Morrison Center. Your kids can get their wiggles out at an indoor trampoline park or by visiting the fish at the aquarium. Your local library is also a good resource for classes and crafts (and books too).

When we want to stay in, we relax by reading, watching movies and playing board games. Of course, if my kids had their way, they would spend all of their ‘relaxation’ time on their phones or watching TV. To avoid this, we have a family rule; no electronic devices during daylight hours. It’s not a popular rule, but it encourages more reading, interaction and sometimes an intense game of Risk or Monopoly. We also try to expose our kids to classic or educational movies. I am really looking forward to watching “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” as soon as my daughter finishes the book.

What are you looking forward to? How will you spend your extra time with your kids this break?


Melanie Flake

Melanie Flake

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