Ask your questions about going back to school during the coronavirus pandemic — and hear from the experts — at three virtual town hall meetings this week.
Idaho Education News is partnering on the town halls, and you’ll be able to watch on our Facebook page and the Idaho News 6 Facebook page.
Here’s the schedule:
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.: A look at K-12 reopening issues. Confirmed panelists include Gina Pannell of Central District Health; Marisela Pesina, chairwoman, Caldwell school board; Nicole Sarty, a teacher at Galileo STEM Academy, Eagle; Julie Underwood, a teacher from Kimberly High School; Amy Kahn, Regence Blue Shield of Idaho; and Ada County Commissioner Diana Lachiondo, a member of CDH’s board. Idaho Education News’ Kevin Richert and Michelle Edmonds of Idaho News 6 will moderate.
Wednesday, 6 p.m.: Idaho Education News reporter Sami Edge and Idaho Statesman reporter Nicole Foy will hold a forum for Spanish-speakers, with host Yanira Corvera. Guests from the State Department of Education and the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs will discuss parents’ back to school options and rights. The forum is part of the Latino Listening project, an ongoing collaboration between EdNews and the Statesman that focuses on the experience of Idaho’s Latino students. The forum will be hosted exclusively in Spanish.
Thursday, 6:30 p.m.: A deep dive into higher education reopening issues. Confirmed panelists include Boise State University President Marlene Tromp; College of Western Idaho President Bert Glandon; Mike Satz, a former professor at the University of Idaho; Trenton Rawdan, a student at The College of Idaho; and Kahn. Richert and Edmonds will moderate.