Student with gun arrested at Rigby Middle School

Police arrested a student who brought a gun to Rigby Middle School Thursday. Nobody was injured. 

It’s the second time police have responded to a gun-related incident at the school this year.

“A student was caught with a firearm and arrested by the school resource officer,” Jefferson County posted to its Facebook page Thursday morning. “No shots were fired. There are no injuries.”

Police arrested the 13-year-old female in the bathroom, reported, citing statements from Jefferson County Sheriff Steve Anderson. The incident occurred around 9:15 a.m.

The Jefferson County School District confirmed the incident on its Facebook page shortly after 10 a.m. “A student did have a weapon but the issue was resolved by the resource officer.”

Classes at the school will continue today, the district added, but parents may pick up their students.

The district banned backpacks at its secondary schools in the wake of Thursday’s ordeal. The rule applies to Rigby and Farnsworth middle schools and Rigby and Jefferson high schools, the district announced on its Facebook page. Backpacks are still allowed in elementary schools.

In May, police apprehended a sixth-grade girl at the school. She shot and injured two students and a janitor before being apprehended. Click here for more on that incident.

Check back for more on this developing story. 

Devin Bodkin

Devin Bodkin

Devin was formerly a senior reporter and editor for Idaho Education News and now works for INL in communications.

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