Weiser adopts four-day school week

Another rural Idaho school district has dropped Fridays from its school-day calendar.

Starting this fall, students in the Weiser School District will attend school Mondays through Thursdays. Trustees approved the change on a 3-2 vote Monday, May 23, after “discussing feedback … from parents and staff.”

The district will post the new calendar on its website after it’s approved, local leaders announced Tuesday. The district will add more details as they come available.

The change puts Weiser on a growing list of Idaho schools opting for a four-day school week. Seventy-four districts and charters have made the switch, according to a State Department of Education tally.

Most of the schools are small and rural, but larger ones have done it in recent years. The roughly 4,000-student Blackfoot School District made the change in 2020, surpassing the 2,500-student Preston district as the largest.

Weiser serves some 1,500 students and is located on the Idaho-Oregon border.

More reading: EdNews took an in-depth look at the trend toward four-day schools in 2015. Click here for the eight-part series.

Devin Bodkin

Devin Bodkin

Devin was formerly a senior reporter and editor for Idaho Education News and now works for INL in communications.

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