Carly Flandro

Pocatello gets creative to attract teachers and paraprofessionals

Stipends and increasing hourly wages was approved by trustees on Tuesday.

Educators open up about classroom realities

Many wish that parents, politicians, and community members would listen to their pleas and ideas before making decisions or forming hasty conclusions about Idaho’s education system.

It’s not the teacher pipeline that’s the problem – it’s the classroom reality

Simply put, enough people enter the profession but not enough stay. Idaho’s colleges are pivoting to solve the problem.

Idaho’s CTE programs slated to get millions in grants

And, inside: the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District intends to purchase a $12.6 million building — with no need for a bond.

Learning another language … ‘it’s just a beautiful thing’

Growing dual immersion programs in Southern Idaho help students speak English, Spanish and Mandarin.

Nonprofits partner with schools to spotlight chronic absenteeism

The organizations are advocating for a sea change when it comes to school attendance.

After-school programs help break down learning barriers

Education leaders convene to brainstorm antidotes to learning loss and mental health challenges.

Firefighter dads make a special visit to their kids’ school

The kids got to spray fire hoses, try on heavy backpacks, learn about chainsaws, pulaskis, and rhinos, and see firefighters — their dads — dressed in protective gear.

The history, context and conflicts of teacher evaluations

They were supposed to be a golden ticket to strengthen education, attract teachers and boost morale. But more often, they are tedious checklists that have minimal impact on teacher pay. 

Administrators wish they had more flexibility

It’s currently a streamlined system that’s consistent statewide, but isn’t always the best or most appropriate measuring stick.