Devin Bodkin

‘Accidents’ and a rotten sandwich: Providing structure for our kids requires balance

We’ve found our children do better when parameters are set and expectations are communicated. But we also see value in “unschooling.”

My daughter asked how I’ll pay for her college degree. I’m still paying for mine.

Unlike loans, you don’t have to pay grants back. While scholarships are often merit-based, grants like the the one I received are typically awarded on financial need.

‘Chocolate milk and cereal’: Eating healthy isn’t just our family’s struggle

The U.S. diet is worse than bad — it’s deadly, a 2022 NPR article explained.

Our 10-year-old just made me think twice about filling up her summer schedule

A Dad’s Diary: It’s important for active families to know that you can over-schedule your kids, to have an ongoing dialogue and to watch for signs that they are overdoing it.

Chickens are teaching our kids responsibility this summer — we hope  

A Dad’s Diary: We ruffled some feathers holding the kids to a work schedule over the next few weeks but so far so good.

How gross jelly beans and a game of hide-and-seek help me connect with my kids

Check out our new column: A Dad’s Diary, parenting perspectives from Devin Bodkin. Send him your ideas.

Surveys again illustrate highs and lows of student engagement

On average, just 45.5% of Idaho’s K-12 students reported being engaged at school in 2022. INSIDE: engagement numbers at your school or district for 2022.

Hot potato? Shelley High’s russet takes second

The russet-burbank spud dubbed “Boomer” skinned (scalloped?) eleven of twelve competitors vying for Scorebook Live’s Best High School Mascot in America competition. Another Idaho high school placed fifth.

Idaho Falls parents split over the idea of split sessions or year-round school

The East Idaho district hoping to pass a record-breaking bond issue on Tuesday is also gauging other options if the measure fails. Critics are crying foul.

Nov. 8: A $266.1 million school election day

Just three school districts will ask their patrons to OK requests for local funds on Nov. 8 — but one of the requests is the biggest ask in Idaho history.