Wayne Hoffman

Wayne Hoffman is the executive director of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, a non-partisan educational research institute and government watchdog.

Supreme Court ruling provides new incentives

Idaho should further protect government employees and taxpayers from Big Labor’s abuses.

Fix broken college education system before adding students

Get-a-degree reforms have yet to bear the fruit to merit the state government’s myopic insistence that more kids enter the higher education system.

Reader view: Candidates for governor differ on pre-K

The Republican candidates for governor are offering voters a range of opinions on whether the public education system should be expanded to include preschoolers. Supporters of government-funded early childhood education contend such taxpayer investments have proved their worth by getting children ready to succeed in school. Opponents contend research on whether government-funded prekindergarten pays off…

Blaine Amendment loses its luster as block to education choice

Lawmakers, and candidates for the Legislature, governor and state school superintendent, should be on notice that they’ll be asked where they stand on education choice now that they can no longer run and hide behind the Blaine Amendment.

Ybarra unmoved as Idaho loses ground in school choice

Too many Idaho schoolchildren are stuck in a public school system that doesn’t meet their needs. It doesn’t have to be that way — other states are working to solve this problem. Idaho should be doing the same.

Give teachers a secret ballot election process

Legislation would help school boards defend their professional school employees from being publicly pestered into supporting a labor union.

Celebrate Monks’ proposal to stop government-funded electioneering

The lawmaker’s plan would prevent government from using your money to convince you to vote for your taxes to go up.

Time for lawmakers to deliver on Freedom Foundation’s agenda

The group’s executive director outlines a wishlist of conservative policies that would affect education practices and funding.

Conservatives won the GOP primary

Contrary to the popular narrative, conservatives gained ground in southern Idaho. And this will make a difference in the 2017 Legislature.