Wayne Hoffman

Wayne Hoffman is the executive director of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, a non-partisan educational research institute and government watchdog.

Remove barriers to education choice in Idaho

A lawmaker’s proposal that would allow education funds to follow students to the school or education opportunity of their choice at least deserves a public hearing.

Schools should be held accountable for failing transparency test

Wayne Hoffman writes “It has to be made clear that transparency is an important obligation, especially given that K-12 education comprises more than half of the state budget.”

School levy and bond elections are out of control

Under the current rules, school elections “depend too much on cleverness, and not enough on public support,” says Wayne Hoffman of the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

Tiered licensure puts Rube Goldberg to shame

This sophisticated system of linking professional certification to compensation will most likely generate an education system devoid of innovation. Idaho should allow the marketplace of education ideas to grow and flourish.

Election has consequences for education

There is now at least a chance to attack Common Core in the Legislature that didn’t previously exist.

Tax opponents find themselves unable to compete

No longer do districts have to make a strong case for a tax increase; they need only make the same weak case again and again until they get the result they demand.

Otter’s overlooked federal spending order

The withholding of federally administered dollars for high school broadband should be seen as a canary in the coalmine.

Recommendations are just more of the same

The task force’s recommendations are not what we need, nor what Idaho schoolchildren deserve. The proposal to dump more money into Idaho schools does nothing to improve or reform the system.

What’s next? Yogurt a federal mandate?

The only politicians who ought to be involved in deciding school lunch menus are the ones elected to serve on local school boards.

Proposition put creativity in the mix

It is unfortunate that government stands in the way of a free-market solution by a private citizen that could help the Nampa School District climb out of a financial hole.