Jennifer Swindell

Managing editor and CEO Jennifer Swindell founded Idaho Education News in 2013. She has led the online news platform as it has grown in readership and engagement every year, reaching over two million pageviews a year. Jennifer has more than 35 years of experience in Idaho journalism. She also has served as a public information officer for Idaho schools and as a communication director at Boise State University. She can be reached at [email protected].

Districts update websites to comply with state law

In order to follow Idaho codes created to promote transparency, district officials asked for help and guidance from other districts, associations and Idaho Education News.

Children’s organization honors longtime education advocate

Idaho Voices for Children named Bev Harad its Children’s Champion of 2015. Harad has been a dedicated volunteer, launching programs and lobbying efforts to support kids and education. She received two standing ovations on Friday from many of the Treasure Valley’s education, political and business leaders.

Large-district superintendents negotiate contracts with fringe benefits

As the contract for West Ada superintendent Linda Clark comes under fire by her own trustees, Idaho Education News examined 10 contracts and found perks commonly awarded in a variety of areas from cars to cell phones to added life insurance policies.

Most districts and charters break Idaho transparency laws

Only 14 of 164 districts and charters are in complete state compliance for posting on their websites expenditures, contracts and strategic plans. At least 18 have posted none of those on their websites.

West Ada trustees void Superintendent Clark’s contract

A former superintendent called the move a “travesty” and said she’d start an effort to recall some board members, who voided the contract because they said they believed it was approved when open meeting laws were violated.

‘Amazing’ teacher makes learning a family affair

Sonia Galaviz does regular home visits because she is a better teacher if she knows where he students come from, the condition of their home and the family dynamics. Parents can expect weekly assignments that engage a family in their child’s education.

Caldwell mayor focuses on kids

Mayor Garret Nancolas defends spending city time and money on Caldwell’s youth: “If educating kids is not the city’s responsibility it’s Garret Nanocolas’ responsibility.”

New state requirement tracks bullying incidents

Districts and charters have not been required to report bullying incidents to the state. As a result, the state has received inaccurate numbers from the schools.

West Ada board to review if it violated open-meeting laws

The board’s actions on Sept. 29 could result in voiding an extension to Superintendent Linda Clark’s contract.

Large-district trustees question the value of ISBA

The Idaho School Boards Association offers a variety of services but at a cost. New trustees in West Ada and Caldwell are questioning the value of membership.