Jennifer Swindell

Managing editor and CEO Jennifer Swindell founded Idaho Education News in 2013. She has led the online news platform as it has grown in readership and engagement every year, reaching over two million pageviews a year. Jennifer has more than 35 years of experience in Idaho journalism. She also has served as a public information officer for Idaho schools and as a communication director at Boise State University. She can be reached at [email protected].

P16 celebrates graduates, success stories

The community-supported pilot program in Caldwell funds pre-school, after-school and college aspiration programs.

Business group will no longer be ‘missing voice’

Behind new leadership, the 85 members of Idaho Business for Education are poised to be an active participant in the debate about improving education in Idaho.

Education task force set to tackle the details

The 31 members of the governor’s appointed task force on improving education have a timeline and plan to get the governor about 10 recommendations by Sept. 23.

Lowell Elementary celebrates 100 years

The North End Boise school has nurtured thousands of children over the years. Franklin D. Roosevelt once visited, too.

Step into Star’s ‘Magic Room’

Star Elementary has a fully equipped technology room for kindergartners. Teachers say they have see academic gains in these students.

TV is still king for the youngest learners

A researcher for the popular children’s show Sesame Street was in Boise on Tuesday to share her studies of digital learning.

Technology lessons on the move

Tour bus takes science, engineering, math and technology to students. The bus spends a full day in the school parking lot where kids can enjoy a hands-on learning environment.

Doctor at age 23 gives credit to her Idaho education

Danielle Ahlstrom says her Meridian high school and Idaho State University gave her the skills and opportunities to pursue the career of her dreams.

Middleton pledges lead to perks at prom

Students agree to pursue post-secondary training, which earns them an all-expense paid prom night.

Task force to assemble again on May 17

The 31 members of the governor’s Taskforce for Improving Education will spend its next meeting reviewing comments and suggestions gathered during a series of public forums.