Jennifer Swindell

Managing editor and CEO Jennifer Swindell founded Idaho Education News in 2013. She has led the online news platform as it has grown in readership and engagement every year, reaching over two million pageviews a year. Jennifer has more than 35 years of experience in Idaho journalism. She also has served as a public information officer for Idaho schools and as a communication director at Boise State University. She can be reached at [email protected].

Task force coming to a town near you

The governor’s Task Force for Improving Education set dates and a timeline for making recommendations to lawmakers and policy makers by the end of this year.

Celebrating success stories in Idaho K-12 education

Idaho Leads Project Showcase Event.

Garden Valley discusses school gun options

The Garden Valley School District plans to install biometric gun safes in schools. The school board begins discussing the issue tonight.

Task force’s $34 million is on the table

The governor’s Education Task Force will not make recommendations to the 2013 Legislature, even though the governor allocated $34 million to support ideas from the task force. The governor has no Plan B for that money.

Democrat entertains Idaho with reform ideas

Executive director of Democrats for Education Reform spoke to 60 people — mostly leaders in Idaho education — about his ideas for producing better schools.

ISBA leaders support this legislation

Officers and regional representatives of the Idaho School Boards Association have agreed to support several pieces of legislation this session that they say will enhance their ability to be good stewards of scarce taxpayer’s dollars.

Best practices presented to task force

The Education Task Force spent the morning listening to local and national experts talk about what works in education. The task force then spent the afternoon in five working groups, brainstorming ideas for improving student achievement.

Governor’s task force resumes work Friday

The governor’s Education Task Force meets for the second time on Friday. The day’s agenda includes presentation from local and national experts on best practices. The members then break into work groups.

Education could benefit from federal land

Utah law could be a model for Idaho if Idaho lawmakers decides to join the battle against the federal government to acquire land for state control and profit.

Tim Hill is a funny guy

The Deputy Superintendent of Public School Finance used a little humor while explaining to lawmakers the complicated formulas for how schools are funded.