Jennifer Swindell

Managing editor and CEO Jennifer Swindell founded Idaho Education News in 2013. She has led the online news platform as it has grown in readership and engagement every year, reaching over two million pageviews a year. Jennifer has more than 35 years of experience in Idaho journalism. She also has served as a public information officer for Idaho schools and as a communication director at Boise State University. She can be reached at [email protected].

Funding, accountability highlight public forum

Conversation about education highlights school choice, accountability and investment.

Luna offers his budget ideas this morning

Idaho’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna presents his ideas for funding K-12 education at 8 a.m. on Thursday morning before the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee members.

House committee hears fiscal details

House Education Committee members were told the details of the fiscal impacted caused by the repeal of the Students Come First laws. They also learned about other education budget details.

Join a public education conversation tonight

The House Ed Committee starts talking about the repeal of the Students Come First laws. The Senate Ed Committee today discusses rules for public charter schools.

IEA releases its recommendations for education

IEA’s recommendations for improving education in Idaho include changing teacher certification, improving teacher preparation and developing better leaders.

Rise and Shine: Monday, January 14, 2013

Read what’s being published and said about education around the country. This week, much of the conversations are about safety in schools and funding.

Education task force prioritizes topics

Education task force agrees by voting that professional development and teacher effectiveness are some of the most important issues to discuss for education reform.

Task force leaves labor issues to Legislature

The Governor’s Education Task Force decided to leave labor negotiations and the FY 2013 budget to the Legislature to debate and decide.

Fun facts about House Ed members

One has nine children. Another eight. One has lived in Egypt and Tokyo, yet another hasn’t left Donnelly. Some are retired teachers, while others are businessmen and realtors. Learn more about your House Ed members.