Melanie Flake

Do your kids get enough sleep?

Maybe we should all move to Blackfoot.

What do you expect from parent/teacher conferences?

I’m not sure the teachers understand what parents want to hear.

Idaho asks for parent feedback

Here’s a chance for us to review upcoming surveys.

Do you enjoy parenting?

Today, I plan to show my children how much I love them by jumping on the trampoline together.

Let’s talk to our kids about voting

Voting is important. Voting is cool.

Our kids will take a new reading test this year

I look forward to talking to my daughter and her teacher about the results.

How do you teach your children to deal with conflict?

These playground tips apply to adults as well.

How engaged are students at your school?

A state survey indicates nearly a third of Idaho’s children are not engaged in their learning.

Q&A with superintendent candidate Cindy Wilson

If you could meet with the two superintendent candidates, what questions would you ask?

Do you ever do your kid’s homework?

How much should parents help their kids with homework?