Michael Strickland

Michael Strickland teaches at Boise State University and studies at Idaho State University.

Many of our students aren’t coming to school ready to learn

Research shows that children who start behind will stay behind and in many cases, continue to lose ground.

Today’s library goes far beyond books

In rural areas, the library can be the only place in town to hold a meeting, access reliable, high-speed internet, conduct a private telehealth appointment, or serve as the safe afterschool space.

Literature allows the mind to travel

Reading takes the free raw material of the mind and builds castles of possibilities. Great literature is transformative.

Stories about Stories resonates with the fight against incidents of book bannings

The tremendous popularity of particular fantasy texts only tends to make some people even more resentful.

Parents must be prepared to talk to their kids about school shootings. Here are tips on how.

Anxiety is meant to prepare us for action, so channel the worries you are feeling into something proactive you can do. Paint. Write poetry. Volunteer in the community.

Create a strong community to survive times of unrest or crisis

Gathering friends and family provides much needed support for grown-ups and children alike.

Positive emotions lead to higher achievement

The way students feel about themselves and about particular educational tasks influences their success.

Creative uses for virtual reality in the classroom

VR is the future of education. Currently, the school and college sector is the fourth largest investor in VR technology.

The importance of family storybook reading

Of all the experiences said to contribute to early literacy, shared book reading between families and children is the most valuable.

Tips for teachers in the wake of the Delta variant

By doing these things, you can make a difference in your students’ academic and emotional progress this school year.