Sean Coletti

Sean J. Coletti is the Mayor of Ammon, Idaho and a candidate for the Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 32-B.

Response to Wendy Horman

The legislature has a duty to “maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.” It doesn’t have a constitutional obligation to fund private or home schools.

Common Core legal challenge is ‘extremely puzzling’

The Supreme Court has never found a state compact void for not getting congressional approval under the Compact Clause. It’s a little difficult to imagine the courts would change their tune in this case.

Reduce the supermajority for school bonds

The fact that 45 percent of all failed bonds over the last 10 years surpassed a 60 percent threshold tells me that something is wrong with the system. It’s time for a constitutional provision on school bonding that makes sense; that works.