Terry Ryan

Terry Ryan is CEO of the Boise-based education nonprofit Bluum and Board Chair of the Idaho Charter School Network.
Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Calling Anser Public Charter School ‘racist’ is a rancid red herring

Boise School District leadership is not only masterful at burning bridges with its long-time partners, but actually obliterating the landscape around it.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

When it comes to the charter commission, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water

Any structural changes that might be made need to be well-considered and publicly debated. History and context matter here.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Rural charter schools can work for Idaho families and children

They add value to a community and create learning opportunities for families and children that wouldn’t exist otherwise.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Public charter schools that fail should close

They need to be held accountable for their performance. It’s important for the overall health of a state’s public charter school sector.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

How is Idaho charter school performance like a Clint Eastwood movie?

There is much “Good” to note and build on, but there is also a need to redouble efforts to work at improving the “Bad” and the “Ugly.”

The squeeze: A case for fairness in facilities and funding in Idaho

Charters in Idaho face a special financial challenge when it comes to financing their facility costs.

School funding formula hijinks

Lawmakers should move forward with a new school funding formula that focuses on flexibility, local control and student outcomes.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Collaborators: How universities and colleges work with public charter schools

Some of the most exciting and powerful things happening in public education in America involve partnerships between public charter schools and higher education institutions.

When it comes to public charter schools, districts just say no

Here are five reasons why I think school districts and public charter schools march down their separate paths when they could do more together.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Ohio vs. Idaho: A tale of two charter school sectors

Public charter schools are creatures of state politics and policies. Some states have done it better than others, but all can learn from others.