Critchfield First 100

Superintendent Critchfield’s First 100 Days

Day 48: Three meetings before lunch

And the day was far from over.

Day 47: Connecting with youth

She attended a 4-H conference, and met with a senior from Garden Valley High School.

Day 44: Three new directors

And the superintendent headed to the Statehouse Friday to support a bill on parental rights.

Day 43: CTE seminar

And the state superintendent met with two legislators to discuss K-12 funding.

Day 42: State Board meeting

Behavioral and emotional issues are “the pandemic of our time,” Critchfield said.

Day 41: Valentine’s Day board meetings

Idaho’s superintendent wears many hats.

Day 40: The science of reading

The superintendent paid a visit to the Statehouse Monday morning to support her financial literacy bill.

Day 39: Meeting with the Tribal Council

She also attended a District 1 education summit.

Day 38: North Idaho

Critchfield toured a CTE campus and a STEM school.

Day 37: Pie Day

The superintendent departs this evening for North Idaho.