
Ehardt says the game isn’t over

The second-term lawmaker — and former college basketball coach — hopes to keep sex education and student diversity up for debate.

Take two: Idaho Falls charter elects trustees

White Pine Charter School patrons went back to the polls Tuesday, nearly six months after a botched election that was plagued with allegations of electioneering.

‘School within a school’ lets kids control their learning

Nearly a fourth of Rocky Mountain Middle School students set their own schedules and take tests when they’re ready.

Educators beef up suicide-prevention efforts

Idaho consistently records some of the nation’s highest suicide rates.

City grants permit to Blackfoot charter school

Bingham Academy can continue operating in a former movie theater, a city commission says, as long as the school’s enrollment does not outgrow the facility. 

City cites multiple safety concerns at Blackfoot charter school

Bingham Academy’s occupancy in a strip mall jeopardizes student safety and places a range of burdens on surrounding businesses, says the city’s planner.

Students show off STEM skills for lawmakers

Some 50 Idaho lawmakers toured White Pine STEM Academy Monday.

Bonneville patrons blast district’s handling of tax dollars

Results from a survey have the district reconsidering its time frame for floating bond issues.

High schoolers charged after altercation with vice principal

The vice principal took a scooter from a student. Then a brawl broke out.

Idaho Falls requests input on longterm facilities plan

The East Idaho district worked with a consulting firm to develop recommendations for a 10-year facilities plan.