
Students launch hot-air balloons

It’s a science project that teaches math, measurement, density and buoyancy.

Idaho Falls to float $99.5 million bond issue

The revised measure is the school board’s months-long attempt to scale back its controversial $110 million bond issue that failed last year.

House Ed Chair VanOrden loses to newcomer

Plus news of another handful of East Idaho incumbents who lost their seats in Tuesday’s primaries.

Idaho Falls OKs all-day kindergarten pilot

Idaho Falls trustees voted unanimously Wednesday to allow some schools in the district to start piloting the program. However, there are a couple caveats.  

Bonneville adopts new boundaries

Trustees approved two measures — one unanimously and the other on a 3-2 split. Both decisions impact families.

Pocatello students ‘wrap’ their school in kindness

Tragedies at other schools, including the recent massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, prompted the activity.

Idaho Falls edges closer to revised high school bond issue

Trustees say the measure won’t exceed $100 million, but it could be close.

Bonneville braces for elementary school boundary changes

Bonneville trustees are mulling three elementary school boundary change proposals, and could make an official decision next week.

Horman, Neal again battle for District 30B House seat

The race is a rematch from two years ago, when Horman, R-Idaho Falls, defeated Neal 68 percent to 32 percent.

Nate-Ricks debate turns testy

Two-term state Rep. Ron Nate and his GOP challenger Doug Ricks outlined their views on education — and each other — during Thursday’s GOP forum in Rexburg.