Idaho EdNews Podcasts

Episode 67: The Superintendent’s race heats up

Learn more about the little-known school superintendent who will take on schools chief Sherri Ybarra next year.

Episode 66: A closer look at the SBAC test

Get caught up on testing season in Idaho — and the latest on federal education news — in this week’s podcast.

Episode 65: More problems with the state’s teacher bonus report

Report Kevin Richert breaks down the problems with the new teacher leadership premium report.

Episode 64: Charlotte Danielson’s concerns about high stakes evaluations

Find out why Charlotte Danielson is concerned about how Idaho uses her system to make high stakes decisions about teacher pay

Episode 63: Critiquing the Legislature

This week, we discuss Gov. Butch Otter and schools chief Sherri Ybarra’s critiques of the legislative session. Plus, find out why some Idaho educators are concerned about President Trump’s federal budget proposal.

Episode 62: The Idaho Legislature adjourns

This week on Extra Credit we break down the legislative endgame, and explain why all eyes continue to be on Gov. Butch Otter.

Episode 61: Dysfunction and disagreement at the Statehouse

The 2017 Legislature isn’t finished yet. But the debate over K-12 topics is pretty much history. Catch up here.

Episode 60: $715 million school bond and levy roundup

While the Legislature inches closer to adjournment, get caught up on $715 million worth of school bond and levy election results.

Episode 59: An Unexpected School Broadband Settlement

Idaho Education News reporter Kevin Richert dissects the $3.5 million Idaho Education Network broadband settlement. Plus, all the headlines from a wild week in the Legislature.

Episode 58: Previewing Idaho’s $715 million school election

Co-host Kevin Richert offers up a preview of the March 14 school bond and levy elections. Plus, all the headlines from a wild week at the Legislature.