Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

High-poverty school seeks turnaround

Idaho Falls educators, in search of improvement, extend the school day, mandate uniforms and create leadership roles for students.

Doctor at age 23 gives credit to her Idaho education

Danielle Ahlstrom says her Meridian high school and Idaho State University gave her the skills and opportunities to pursue the career of her dreams.

Reporting for duty: Common Core boot camp

Educators take a crash course in Common Core State Standards, which will be taught next year in all Idaho schools.

Hand-crafted timelines garnish Boise classrooms

Juno Van Ocker spent hundreds of volunteer hours to create graphic timeline sheets of Idaho history, and deliver them to 200 classrooms in Boise.

Analysis: What’s next for the K-12 task force?

When Gov. Butch Otter’s education task force fanned out for public meetings in April, Common Core wasn’t on the group’s radar, Chairman Richard Westerberg said Thursday. So what is the task force’s next move?

Three hours of Boise speakers end sessions

A near capacity crowd at the Statehouse listened to leaders in Idaho education talk on a variety of topics, and a number of parents who called for abandoning Common Core standards.

A second career in crisis management

Thomas Michaelson came out of retirement to lead the financially strapped Nampa School District — and it’s a longer and more complicated job than he expected.

Pocatello talk devoted to teachers, standards

Testimony ran sharply against Common Core, with 11 opposing the standards and three supporting.

Idaho Falls task force meeting draws 200-plus

Common Core standards and education funding were the major themes residents addressed.

Music, drums, laughter resonate in these hallways

Sorensen Elementary in Coeur d’Alene