Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Day 99: Nampa
Thursday marked the final roadshow event this week.
Day 98: Pocatello
She carved out time to interview with one of our own — EdNews reporter Carly Flandro.
Day 97: Tour kickoff
She also met with the Fort Hall Business Council.
Day 96: To Idaho Falls
Tomorrow marks day one of the superintendent’s post-legislative roadshow.
Day 93: A day off
She’ll be back at it on Monday.
Day 92: A graduation
She’ll take tomorrow off to spend time with her family.
Day 91: Rexburg-bound
She’ll celebrate three family members at their college graduation this week.
Day 90: A thank you
Critchfield spent time Tuesday sharing information about an upcoming conference on youth mental health and suicide prevention.
Day 89: Monday meetings
The superintendent met with staff from the Attorney General’s office Monday.
Day 86: Her third and final bill
Critchfield described the legislation as a “gamechanger.”