Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Day 58: Laws and basketball
She spent another morning at the Statehouse.
Day 57: Another day at the Statehouse
Critchfield’s parental rights legislation passed unanimously out of committee.
Day 56: Idaho Loggers and Haulers
Plus, more legislative meetings.
Day 55: Empowering Parents
The state superintendent is looking forward to working with parents.
Day 54: Parental rights
The superintendent closed out a busy Monday with a meeting with her transportation team.
Day 52: Lincoln Day
The state superintendent’s work week doesn’t always stop on Friday.
Day 51: Working from home
She met with private school students, and career technical education stakeholders.
Day 50: Halfway there
Supporting the financial literacy bill and meeting with legislators.
Day 49: Parental rights bill
And responding to hoax calls that disrupted schools across the state.
Day 48: Three meetings before lunch
And the day was far from over.