Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Administrators wish they had more flexibility

It’s currently a streamlined system that’s consistent statewide, but isn’t always the best or most appropriate measuring stick.

Performance makes almost no impact on pay

Evaluations and bonus initiatives intended to reward high-performing teachers ended up being overly-complicated, feeble, and/or short-lived

Spelling it Out: A tutorial on teacher evaluations

Teacher evaluations matter because they impact teacher raises and are tied to tax dollars. Here’s what you should know about them.

Spelling it out: Bonds and Levies

This resource aims to demystify bonds and levies and help you be more informed the next time you cast your vote.

Despite retirement, Bauscher’s influence in education lives on

Rich Bauscher, who was once the youngest superintendent in Idaho, still refuses to call it quits on the eve of his 70th birthday.

‘Normal teenage moodiness’ or suicide warning sign? Idaho parents share son’s story

Chris and Roberta Garvin noticed changes in Nick, but he kept his pain hidden.

80-year-old war veteran takes on the Idaho Freedom Foundation

It’s a battle Jim Jones believes is critical to preserving education and democracy in Idaho. 

Students, advocates call for more student training on sexual misconduct and Title IX

Training would give young people more control over recognizing, and responding to, sexual violence in their own lives.

Rural Education Association pilots consortiums for districts to help one another with Title IX

Educators in the Magic Valley and lower panhandle are navigating the complicated rules together.

‘You just want to feel safe:’ Transgender youth fights for bathroom access in Jerome

Federal guidelines for interpreting how Title IX applies to transgender youth have changed repeatedly in the past few years.