Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Latinos are more wary of sending kids to school, but they may have more to lose if they don’t
With disparities in access to distance learning, experts worry Latino students could fall behind.
Disciplined superintendent demoted to interim role, promised new position
Marvin Hansen will receive his normal annual salary of $108,973 until trustees replace him — at which point he can step into a newly created position with lower pay.
Marsh Valley trustees discipline superintendent for ethical violations
The board conducted an investigation after a former employee accused Marvin Hansen of sexual harassment.
Students with special needs struggle to learn remotely
EdNews last week surveyed dozens of parents and said their children were receiving either no services or only a partial amount of services during school closures amid coronavirus.
Teacher inspires students to become educators
Teachers across the Bear Lake School District shared how Tammy Stephens has influenced dozens of her students to enter the education field — and how she still inspires them to improve their craft.
Charter administrators received $51,000 in undocumented payments
The payments are not in White Pine Charter School board agendas or minutes, but they do appear in payroll records, according to an Idaho Education News investigation.
Los niños salen al campo después del cierre de la escuela
Los adolescentes están trabajando en labores agrícolas durante el día y se desatrasan con los deberes escolares por las noches.
Children take to the fields following school closures
Teens are working agricultural jobs by day and catching up on homework in the evenings
‘No longer my life’: A pandemic through sixth-grade eyes
Madison Middle School teacher Sarah Jones asked her sixth graders to document their experiences during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what they’re saying.