Featured Series

Analysis: As the session winds down (we hope), lawmakers wrestle big questions about Phoenix

The Statehouse Phoenix debate is rapidly unfolding, in the hurried final few weeks of the session and the outcome could represent one of the biggest decisions of the 2024 session.

Supreme Court throws a wrench into U of I’s timetable

The court will hear oral arguments in June, as it takes up Attorney General Raúl Labrador’s challenge to the University of Idaho’s proposed purchase. That means a nonbinding, but looming, May 31 deadline will likely go by the boards.

Statehouse roundup, 2.28.24: Green defends Phoenix purchase in tense committee hearing

INSIDE: House committee advances bill to create regional appointments to the State Board of Education.

U of I funnels $7.3 million of Phoenix consulting to Green’s former employer

The University of Idaho has run up more than $10 million of consulting costs — and counting. If the University of Phoenix purchase falls through, the U of I might be forced to eat the costs.

What are taxpayers getting for their CTE investments?

Measuring the success of secondary career technical education programs elicits varying conclusions depending on who you ask. Educators, policymakers and parents have different ideas.

Phoenix fallout? Moody’s places U of I’s bond rating under review

The University of Idaho now has an A1 bond rating. The proposed $685 million University of Phoenix purchase jeopardizes that high rating, analysts said last week.

Analysis: A Legislature scorned demands to be heard on the Phoenix purchase

It’s going to be a Statehouse showdown. And one the University of Idaho and the State Board of Education could have seen coming.

U of I accreditors complete review of Phoenix purchase

Accreditors did not weigh in on the merits — or the financial implications — of the $685 million purchase. The U of I says the completed review brings the deal “one step closer” to the finish line.

Employee survey indicates support for Phoenix purchase

But months after the proposed $685 million University of Phoenix purchase went public, many U of I employees still said they had no opinions about the purchase, or were unsure about it.

Wanted: Professionals and retirees to teach high school CTE courses

Schools must attract converts from industry with job experience to lead CTE programs that guide teenagers directly into the workplace.