Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
EdNews video goes viral after YouTube glitch
Haven’t seen it yet? Don’t miss what millions worldwide are watching.
Charter commission investigating two Blackfoot schools
Allegations of misconduct range from inappropriate handling of sexual misconduct claims to questionable financial practices.
BYU-Idaho teacher preparation program falls short of state requirements
Teacher candidates will have to take additional coursework to complete their certification.
Chess helps low-income students understand STEM skills
A 28-year old Boise entrepreneur helps students learn science, technology, engineering and math.
Meridian teens develop skills outside the classroom
West Ada seniors participate in a career fair in hopes to land an externship working in a pharmacy.
After-school program focuses on next-generation leaders
Everyday Leadership is hosted at six Boise schools and targets low-income students.
Students learn to program and computer code
Monday kicks off Computer Science Education Week.
Rhodes Scholar is motivated by ‘deep questions in the world’
Elena Gallina, a Boise State University graduate, is a 2019 recipient of the oldest and most prestigious international academic award available to Americans.