Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Slideshow: Filer educator wins EdNews photo contest
Meet the EdNews summer photo contest winner and check out the photo gallery.
Caldwell Library gives books to migrant kids
These children face interrupted cultural and language barriers and social isolation — all factors that inhibit a child’s ability to learn basic literacy skills before starting school.
Enter our photo contest to win $100
Send us your summer photos and be eligible for our top prize. Winners will be judged by Facebook followers.
Most principals earn high marks on annual evaluations
Some experts and studies peg principal evaluations as an increasingly vital area of accountability.
Summer camp keeps kids learning and moving
More than 70 students in grades 2-9 are participating in the annual Boise State University Summer Academy.
Educator enhances curriculum with technology
Paige Somoza is an award-winning classroom “change maker.”
Education news around Idaho
In this week’s briefs a Plummer-Worley teacher is named national fellow and two West Ada teachers are honored with a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Idaho’s SAT struggles — in districts large and small
This year, SAT scores dropped in 18 of Idaho’s 20 largest school districts. Meanwhile, Idaho’s high-poverty rural districts still lag behind the state’s average.
Summer STEM training for teachers
A four-day professional development program gives educators hands-on experience.
‘Manure Tour’ gives kids hands-on learning experiences
The Dairy West Jackson Family Farm tour exposes kids to the dairy industry and careers in farming.