Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Educators turn to Twitter for resources, inspiration
Each week, thousands of educators participate in scheduled Twitter “chats” to collaborate and seek professional support.
Watch Idaho’s best Irish dancer
Ella Lechner, a freshman at Idaho Fine Arts Academy, is ranked among the best in the nation.
Inspire Idaho: School builds student-teacher relationships
This article is part of our year-long series called Inspire Idaho, which spotlights schools doing something differently for a better outcome for students.
Review of new reading test leaves lawmakers skeptical
The Legislature has already zeroed out funding to continue the rollout of a new reading test. And two key lawmakers aren’t even sold on a statewide test.
QUIZ: Do you know Idaho?
Take the EdNews quiz to win Idaho EdNews swag.
PHOTOS: Read Across America Day in Idaho
Check out photos of students, teachers and elected officials participating in the event.
Boise High teens win regional science bowl
The students are headed to the National Science Bowl competition in Washington, D.C.
Students compete in business and marketing competition
The event exposes teens to a variety of careers from management to merchandising.
Lawmakers walk to support schools
Find out if your local lawmaker is in the walking challenge to win $500 for schools.
Full STEAM’d ahead for future artists, engineers and scientists
Students from four districts participate in a three-month Future Design Academy.