Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
What are taxpayers getting for their CTE investments?
Measuring the success of secondary career technical education programs elicits varying conclusions depending on who you ask. Educators, policymakers and parents have different ideas.
Phoenix fallout? Moody’s places U of I’s bond rating under review
The University of Idaho now has an A1 bond rating. The proposed $685 million University of Phoenix purchase jeopardizes that high rating, analysts said last week.
Analysis: A Legislature scorned demands to be heard on the Phoenix purchase
It’s going to be a Statehouse showdown. And one the University of Idaho and the State Board of Education could have seen coming.
U of I accreditors complete review of Phoenix purchase
Accreditors did not weigh in on the merits — or the financial implications — of the $685 million purchase. The U of I says the completed review brings the deal “one step closer” to the finish line.
Employee survey indicates support for Phoenix purchase
But months after the proposed $685 million University of Phoenix purchase went public, many U of I employees still said they had no opinions about the purchase, or were unsure about it.
Wanted: Professionals and retirees to teach high school CTE courses
Schools must attract converts from industry with job experience to lead CTE programs that guide teenagers directly into the workplace.
Industry partnerships shape employment opportunities for high school graduates
There are hundreds of Idaho professionals helping high schools maintain cutting-edge programs with the most up-to-date industry equipment. Both sides benefit from this collaboration.
State leaders push millions toward meeting workforce demands and student interests
The number of Industry trade jobs is growing every year. And teens are interested in learning those skills in high school.
Judge rejects Labrador’s open meetings lawsuit against State Board
Tuesday’s ruling clears one major obstacle blocking the University of Idaho’s proposed $685 million University of Phoenix purchase. U of I officials hope to close the complex and controversial deal early this year.
Analysis: Trial spotlights transparency — but not the Phoenix purchase
A robust public debate over government transparency is healthy and useful. It’s too bad Idahoans have never been afforded the same opportunity to debate the proposed University of Phoenix purchase.