Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Green says the U of I outbid multiple suitors for the University of Phoenix

On the witness stand Wednesday, University President C. Scott Green talked at greater detail than ever before about the pursuit of Phoenix. A civil suit could stymie the $685 million deal; the trial continues Thursday.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘The dollar store of higher education:’ Skeptics say the Phoenix purchase would cheapen the U of I brand

Emails are the closest the public got to a public hearing on the University of Idaho’s proposal. EdNews spoke to six people who spoke up against the $685 million megadeal in May — hours before the State Board signed on.

EXCLUSIVE: Two days in May: Inside the frenzied rush to approve — and oppose — the Phoenix purchase

Idaho Education News reviewed emails to and from State Board of Education members, obtained through a public records request. The unearthed emails provide a narrative of the 24 hours leading up to the State Board’s approval of the University of Idaho’s purchase of the University of Phoenix. 

Standardized Tests

Standardized tests in Idaho make quite the alphabet soup: There’s ISAT, IRI, AP, SAT, PSAT and NAEP exams.

U of I demands $2,400 to review — and perhaps release — Phoenix public records

The bill centers on Idaho Education News’ request for records mentioning “Project Neptune,” a code name for the University of Phoenix. And it comes as Boise State University’s approach to public records is also under fresh scrutiny.

The $685 million University of Phoenix purchase: A study guide

Are you confused about the University of Idaho’s complex and controversial bid to buy the University of Phoenix? Or just straight-up exhausted by all the developments? Catch up here.

See you in court: Open meetings lawsuit will head to trial

The lawsuit will continue to loom over the University of Idaho’s proposed University of Phoenix purchase — possibly for several more months. The deal faces a May 31 deadline.

Court documents provide a detailed look inside the State Board’s closed-door Phoenix meetings

Most of the deliberations about the $685 million University of Idaho purchase took place behind closed doors. Now, depositions and public records allow us to pull back the curtain.

State Board’s legal bills in open records case exceed $81,000 — so far

Idaho Education News received the invoices Wednesday, after filing a public records request.

Refusing to bend, the Human Rights Educator of the Year will retire early

Daisy Rain Martin is seeking refuge from legislation and policy that could force her to compromise her values.