Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Sixth-grader invents forest fire prevention device
A family tragedy motivated an 11 year old to create an award-winning product.
It’s Constitution Day: 10 questions to test your knowledge
Take the EdNews quiz to win Idaho EdNews swag.
Capital kids perform real-world marketing skills
Sandy Murin teaches her students through project-based learning. They are hosting a Make-A-Wish event to gain experience and raise money for a boy with life-threatening medical conditions.
Boomer symbolizes Shelley’s embrace of the potato
From the school’s mascot to the crowning of Miss Russet, Shelley students honor East Idaho’s famous vegetable.
Idaho districts, charters stash $215 million in savings accounts
Superintendents say the unused money safeguards against budget cuts and unforeseen costs, though some question the prudence of holding on to so much cash when almost all of the districts receive supplemental funds from taxpayer levies.
Slideshow: West Ada teacher wins EdNews photo contest
Meet the EdNews first day of school photo contest winner and check out the photo gallery.
More than $200,000 in Caldwell consulting work goes unexplained
Caldwell’s ousted administrators agreed to do consulting work in 2015-16, but no documents verify any work was done, according to an Idaho Education News records request.
Four brothers fill administrative roles in four East Idaho districts
Humble home circumstances while growing up motivated the four Lords brothers to pursue careers in education.
Tax shift of 2006 adds up to tax increase
A decade ago, lawmakers and then-Gov. Jim Risch promised Idahoans tax relief. Instead, Idahoans paid an additional $21.7 million to support K-12 in 2015-16, according to an Idaho Education News analysis.
What the 2006 overhaul did to taxes in your school district
Do you want to see what happened with property taxes and market values in your district? Start here.