Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Legal fees rise as leaders revolve in Caldwell

In the face of superintendent shuffles and board recalls, the Caldwell School District has spent more than $80,000 on legal fees since July 1.

Students seek donations to attend science tournament

The Capital High Science Olympiad team finished first at the state tournament. The team will advance to the national tournament in May, but need to raise $7,500 to attend.

Jennifer Williams: Teacher, artist, author, advocate and animal savior

Her 40-year career in education has earned her numerous awards. She said her success has come from a dedicated passion for all things living. Though retired, she maintains a project that brings art to rural Idaho schools.

Playground bench helps Nampa kids make friends

The ‘buddy bench’ allows students to meet others on the playground if they have no one to play with.

Boise kids launch sustainability awareness campaign

Students host a summit to show off ways to recycle, reuse and reduce waste. They were inspired to change their practices and influence change in others after a school-wide reading of the book “Garbology.”

Vallivue counselors shift focus

The five-member staff received a national award for supporting a program that offers more opportunities to kids.

Middleton bus driver turned food service director

Barbara Bumgardner started her career in part-time school district jobs, but advanced to leading a staff of 33 and providing healthy meals to kids and teachers.

Boise aims for third-straight national science victory

Five Boise High students are headed to North Carolina to compete in the National Ocean Sciences Bowl.

Robots take over Boise

Students from across six states are using their brains, skills and robots to compete in Idaho’s FIRST Robotics Competition.

Eagle teen jump-starts engineering career

Kendra Noneman, a senior at Eagle High School, has been selected to participate in a research internship.