Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Teens find bargain prom wear

Prom season is here and Treasure Valley teens are in search of the perfect dress or tuxedo — typically a costly adventure. A teen spends on average $919 for the big dance, according to a national survey by Visa. But the Assistance League of Boise is making this trip down memory lane an affordable one…

Caldwell first graders start saving for college

Mayor launches pilot program that includes financial planning classes for families and account contributions.

Lawmaker explains his perfect score on Ed News quiz

The Idaho Ed News quiz this week was the talk of the Statehouse among lawmakers. Ed News readers and Idaho lawmakers took the challenge to see how well they knew their representatives and senators. Our records show only two lawmakers scored a perfect score; Rep. Mat Erpelding, D-Boise, and Rep. Brandon Hixon, R-Caldwell. “I thought…

TAKE OUR QUIZ: How well do you know your lawmaker?

This is a fun test. No questions about taxes and such. It’s about vacations and quirky life histories.

Kids spend Spring Break with shelter animals

Kids who love animals are spending Spring Break at the Idaho Humane Society this week in Boise. The third annual “Friends for Life” spring break camp is hosting 26 kids, ages 7-14, from different schools to learn how to be a responsible pet owner. “We are able to teach kids about animal responsibility and safety,”…

Idaho Falls coach has lasting impact on students

Britney Christensen learned that being a teacher of basketball is more about personality and seeing the sport as an art form.

Borah teen starts dedicated path toward being a surgeon

The 17-year-old student-athlete owns a 5.0 grade-point average in Advanced Placement classes and he’s enrolled in a a nursing program.

North Idaho school embraces four-day weeks

The switch hasn’t been a huge cost savings, but Boundary County parents, teachers and students have made it part of the community’s culture.

Students publish book through writers program

It was a day of achievement for kids at the Idaho Distance Education Academy (IDEA). On Tuesday, IDEA students gathered to read a book they published in collaboration with The Cabin’s Writers in the schools program.  “It is really great when students have these type of opportunities because they get to work with professional writers…

Gardening education comes to a Boise park

A new park devoted to gardening education officially opened Monday when Boise city officials and staff from the Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS) cut a ribbon to a 1,500-square-foot, barn-shaped center at Comba Park. “The new barn is a huge asset for the city because we are able to offer garden-base education to the youth…