Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Improve student engagement, improve success

Data expert Brandon Busteed shared Gallup results on student and workforce engagement during an Ed Sessions lunch on Tuesday.

Student-designed site tracks lawmakers’ steps

A Meridian Technical Charter High School class project created a website that legislators are using to monitor physical activity.

I-DEA models digital learning methods

Director Jason Bransford wants to bring the Idaho Distance Education Academy’s best practices to a broader audience. His students move from in-person instruction to online learning and back again.

Heritage Charter’s remarkable turnaround

Credit for the charter school’s success goes to Principal Javier Castaneda, who has a “rare” combination of business sense and people skills. He replaced half the staff.

Five things you didn’t know about the House Education Committee

Find out which new lawmaker compares discussing education policy with enjoying himself on the beach.

Former education secretary speaks to Idaho leaders

William Bennett shared his ideas for shaping education policy to Idaho’s top politicians and business leaders.

Education is top priority for CDA’s Souza

The new Republican lawmaker landed a seat on the Senate Education Committee.

Waldorf-inspired school opens in Hailey

Idaho’s newest public charter school is using a curriculum traditionally taught in private schools, yet must adapt it to meet Common Core academic standards. It is one of the fastest growing educational models in the world, but Syringa Mountain is Idaho’s first public Waldorf school.

East Idaho commissioner emphasizes fairness and justice

Rigby High teacher Esther Henry sought an opening on the Professional Standards Commission because she felt an obligation to make positive changes to her profession.

Boyle fights cancer, plans return to Legislature

Rep. Judy Boyle has completed her last round of chemotherapy treatment and hopes to miss only the first week of the 2015 legislative session.