Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Third candidate showdown focuses on funding

Jana Jones says Idaho should explore an Internet sales tax; Sherri Ybarra defers to lawmakers on tax issues.

Idaho’s $1 billion school levy bill

Since 2007 — and during Gov. Butch Otter’s tenure — Idaho schools have backfilled budgets with more than $1 billion in supplemental property tax levies.

PTECH connects education to industry

This program offers Idaho kids a debt-free path to an associate’s degree and connects them to high-demand jobs.

Meet a nearly perfect teen

Boise HIgh’s Kate Tsourmas has never had a B and scored perfectly on the ACT test. She was close to perfect on the SAT. Find out what’s next for her.

Canyon Springs changes course

The Caldwell alternative school is trying new programs designed to empower kids and build self-esteem.

Is it time to ground the tech pilots?

A State Board of Education subcommittee thinks so. The panel favors a statewide approach to providing technology in the schools.

$104 million is on the line in a low-key, West Ada election

Are voters in Idaho’s largest school district willing to assume $104 million in long-term debt to build new schools and remodel a high school? It may be the most important school election no one is talking about.

Idaho SAT scores improve slightly

But most Idaho students, and most Idaho schools, fall far below the college-readiness guidelines touted by the nonprofit group that administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test.

Gee moves out of his comfort zone

Garden Valley’s new superintendent is in for big personal and professional changes but he’s looking forward to the new life experiences.

Walking and talking with Stan Olson

The retired Boise schools superintendent remains engaged in education, and serious about training.