Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Ed News tapped for national Common Core seminar

Reporters from across the country — including from some of the most respected news organizations in the country — helped each other plan to cover Common Core,

Historic building to be an arts learning center

Kids will experience cultures and history with an art-based curriculum.

Democrats wrap up harmonious convention

But can the state’s minority party capitalize in November?

Hailey teen accomplishes several family firsts

Miguel Angel Velasco is headed to college.

Charters receive first facilities payments

The $2 million payments exceeded original forecasts — and contained a few quirks.

Republican convention ends in meltdown

Amid political bickering, the state convention adjourned before any official business was conducted.

99 schools seek tech pilot grants

Schools have proposed more than $26 million worth of technology pilot projects. The State Department of Education has $3 million in grant money at its disposal.

Micron gets kids excited about science

Annual Chip Camp sparks an interest in the semiconductor industry.

JFAC revisits school broadband issue

No news, yet, on funding the state’s high school system.

A smoother negotiations process?

Pay raises and bonuses are on the way — as several large school districts have labor agreements in place for 2014-15.