Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Reform efforts shaped Luna’s seven years

The debate over Propositions 1, 2 and 3 sharply divided Idahoans, but outgoing State Superintendent Tom Luna believes the process paved the way for more widely accepted reform efforts now on the table.

Tom Luna charts his exit strategy

Outgoing state superintendent Tom Luna hopes to take some of the politics out of the debate over education policy. Will things work out that way?

Speaker: Let kids customize learning

Tom Vander Ark, a former Washington state public schools superintendent, told educators and lawmakers that students should drive their education.

Seventh grader introduces amphibian bill

For three years seventh-grader Ilah Hickman has pushed lawmakers to designate the Idaho giant salamander as the state’s official amphibian. On Friday, she had to debate the Senate’s No. 2 leader in hopes of having her bill printed.

State faces $14.45 million broadband bill

Legislative budget-writers took no action Thursday on the request, designed to keep the Idaho Education Network online. But several lawmakers were blindsided and upset at the news.

Luna won’t seek re-election

For the past year, Luna had told reporters he was planning to seek a third term. His surprise announcement could throw the state superintendent’s race wide open.

Will school districts keep budget flexibility?

Districts have some say over how many teachers they hire — and the on-the-ground results vary widely,

Legislative Common Core forum, Storified

The Senate and House education committees spent two hours diving into Idaho Core Standards. Here’s a rundown.

New House member jumps right in

Rep. Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, is a newcomer to the Statehouse but she’s not new to politics. The Harvard Law School grad and mother of four has been preparing for this job all her life.

Supporters unveil pre-K pilot proposal

‘The case for preschool education is compelling,” said Rep. Hy Kloc, the bill’s sponsor.