Featured Series
Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.
Summit looks at gaps in reading education
More than 400 teachers, business leaders and elected officials discussed ways to boost Idaho reading scores — and some of the political and social barriers to improvement.
Garden Valley superintendent to retire
Randy Schrader, an award-winning superintendent and former standout Boise State University football player, will step down from his leadership role at the end of the school year. Staff credited him with restoring order and success in a district that endured recent turmoil.
Compass: An incremental tech rollout
Meridian charter school takes a long view of reinventing learning.
Trustees support Idaho Core Standards
At their annual convention, school board members crafted a legislative agenda that includes support for the new academic standards.
Idaho’s top school is not for everyone
The Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy is regularly ranked as Idaho’s No. 1 school. But the high standards for academic and personal behavior are not attainable for all kids.
K-12 committee enters Schoolnet debate
After staging three meetings, the Legislature’s interim education committee adjourns for good without calling any votes or making any recommendations.
Big screens — and a gradual step
Interactive whiteboards are the centerpiece of a Moscow technology pilot.
Caldwell goes green for school resources
Under a new curbside recycling partnership, Republic Services will send $1 from Caldwell customers’ bills to a comprehensive go-on program that starts with preschool.
Committee discusses teacher licenses, pay
Members used their first meeting to review Task Force recommendations and begin studying licensure systems put in place in other states. They meet again Nov. 25 at the Statehouse.
In eastern Idaho, a collaborative iPad rollout
Teachers and students coach each other at Dayton’s Beutler Middle School.