Featured Series

Stories about Idaho’s educators, students and policy makers plus features on bright spots in Idaho education.

Blaine teachers protect colleague’s home from fire

Nearly a dozen teachers and their families rallied to Michael Walsh’s aid.

3 … 2 …1… blast off! Academy launches

The students of the Barbara Morgan STEM Academy inaugurated their first week of school by designing, building and launching rockets with the help of the school’s namesake.

Freedom Writer inspires Idaho students

Manny Scott, one of the original Freedom Writers depicted in the popular book and movie, delivered an inspirational speech to more than 1,000 Mountain Home students.

Minor incidents make first day typical

Meridian students and teachers survive and enjoy back to school

First day of school for Lowell, Nick Smith

In addition to strengthening Lowell’s sense of community and security, new principal Nick Smith is dedicating himself to help teachers implement Idaho Core Standards.

Tuesday is a big day for students … and teachers

First day of school stirs emotions for kids and adults

K-12 task force endorses 21 proposals

A wide-ranging group of stakeholders OKs a wide-ranging menu of ideas.

Education task force live blog

The education reform task force got down to business Friday, and here’s the rundown.

Homeland Security tests school safety

Homeland Security, Idaho State Police, Burley Fire and Cassia County Sheriff’s Office officials responded to a drill involving an enraged adult and a mock chemical spill.

Students will have supplies on first day of school

Local philanthropic group donates items to low-income kids