
Coronavirus case numbers slow — across Idaho and in schools

New cases fell by 10% last week. Cases involving school-aged children fell at an identical rate.

Lawmakers, former Ybarra staffers punctuate Critchfield supporter list

The list of county campaign chairs includes 12 current of former lawmakers and four former State Department of Education employees.

McGeachin task force member faces electioneering charge

Laura Van Voorhees is accused of handing a voter a card with information about critical race theory, according to the Coeur d’Alene Press.

Ousted NIC president receives nearly $500,000

Rick MacLennan will receive close to $250,000 from North Idaho College and $250,000 from NIC’s insurer, the Coeur d’Alene Press reported.

Ybarra, Critchfield, Durst to appear at ISBA forum

State superintendent Sherri Ybarra hasn’t announced her re-election plans, but she will make a joint appearance with her would-be opponents later this month.

Idaho’s record-setting omicron surge continues

New cases hit a pandemic peak, for the third successive week. Case numbers involving school-age children have increased fourfold this month.

Boise State survey: Idahoans support all-day kindergarten, overwhelmingly

More than two-thirds of respondents said they support state-funded all-day kindergarten — and support was strong across the political spectrum.

West Ada union calls for COVID-19 transparency

“The school district has been given an impossible/unprecedented task of tracking a complex and inconsistently reported disease without the appropriate tools or training, resulting in a distorted picture,” the West Ada Education Association said Friday.

Omicron surge continues: weekly case numbers hit another record

Coronavirus trends are mixed in several large school districts, and on the state’s college campuses.

Idaho’s week of grim coronavirus records, by the numbers

New cases soared to a pandemic peak. Case numbers skyrocketed in several school districts, such as Boise and West Ada, and surged at Boise State University and Idaho State University. The state’s positive test rate also set a record.