
Audio: Little’s coronavirus comments, and instant analysis

Listen to Gov. Brad Little and Idaho National Guard adjutant general Michael Garshak take legislators to task for their attempts to revoke Idaho’s coronavirus emergency designation. Then, stick around for analysis and a recap of a busy news week.

Breaking down Idaho’s ‘go-on rates:’ some local numbers

The district- and school-level data follow some trends that have played out in past years.

K-12 coronavirus summary, 1.18.21: In an abbreviated reporting period, numbers decrease

Through Friday, Health and Welfare has linked at least 5,447 coronavirus cases to K-12 students and teachers.

Coronavirus trendline, 1.15.21: Case numbers, and other metrics, show signs of improvement

The decrease in new case numbers comes as the state prepares to provide coronavirus vaccines to K-12 teachers and employees.