Kevin’s blog

Lakeland to hire armed school guard

In time, the North Idaho school district hopes to have an armed guard at all 11 of its schools, the Coeur d’Alene Press reported.

Boosters pushed for Staben’s ouster

The boosters — members and former presidents of the Vandal Scholarship Fund — aired their grievances on May 14. Eleven days later, University of Idaho President Chuck Staben was on his way out the door.

In Arizona, an evolving battle over science standards

Saying evolution is not fully proven science, Arizona’s state schools superintendent supports changing language in academic standards.

Marsh Valley schools placed in lockdown after reported threat

The alleged pistol-whipping incident did not occur on school grounds, but resulted in a lockdown lasting about an hour Wednesday, the Idaho State Journal reported.

Boise student charged with making threat against school

Police say the unnamed suspect left an object at a Boise elementary school Tuesday, but determined that the object posed no threat.

Why school shootings happen where they ‘can’t’ happen

Mass school shootings are more likely to occur in small towns, not urban centers, according to the Associated Press. And experts say there are reasons for that.

How Idaho’s gubernatorial elections mirrored national trends

Republicans again chose an establishment candidate, while Paulette Jordan’s win in the Democratic primary continues to break down gender barriers, the education news site The 74 wrote Wednesday.

New lawsuit challenges student fees

Former state Supreme Court justice and gubernatorial candidate Robert Huntley is heading back to court — again challenging the constitutionality of student fees.

State Board likely to pick new BSU president Thursday

The State Board of Education will interview three finalists for the job Wednesday morning. A decision is expected Thursday.

Several school districts seek levies Tuesday

While voters decide on primaries for governor, Congress and state superintendent, patrons in several districts will decide on school levies.