Kevin’s blog

Scott seeks to clamp down on ‘repeat’ bond issues and levies

Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, wants school districts and local governments to have to wait a year before running a failed bond issue or levy.

ISU downplays competition from new community college

In an interview with the Idaho State Journal, ISU President Arthur Vailas instead touts the potential to partner with the fledgling College of Eastern Idaho.

Staben sees ‘some opportunity’ in higher ed CEO proposal

The $769,500 proposal could help streamline higher education operations, University of Idaho President Chuck Staben said. But the details need to be cleared up. “I think we have to work out exactly what that initiative looks like.”

In other K-12 news, sex ed and ‘education freedom’ bills surface

Rep. Julie VanOrden wants to rewrite a sex education law that hasn’t been updated since 1970. And Rep. Ron Nate wants Idaho to say no to federal K-12 money … gradually.

Vailas voices support for higher ed ‘CEO’

“Higher education, whether we like it or not, has to evolve as a business,” the retiring Idaho State University president told the Senate Education Committee Wednesday afternoon.

National study: Idaho higher ed budget increases defy trends

Idaho’s higher education spending has increased by 33 percent in five years, according to research released this week. Only eight states reported larger increases.

In accountability pledge, Labrador invokes Idaho Education Network mess

As a state legislator, Republican gubernatorial candidate Raul Labrador supported creating the Idaho Education Network. He blames “pay to play” politics for the project’s demise.

Holmes signs extension in Blaine County

GwenCarol Holmes, Blaine County’s superintendent since 2014, will stay on through 2021.

BSU survey: Idahoans are optimistic, but not about K-12

Sixty-three percent of respondents rate Idaho’s K-12 system as fair or poor — and 66 percent of respondents say the state is doing a fair or poor job of preparing high school graduates for the future.

D-plus and holding: Idaho scores low in Education Week report

Education Week also graded the states on per-pupil spending and percentage of taxable resources spent on schools. Idaho ranked dead last.