Kevin’s blog

Returns on the literacy initiative, in historical context

The first year of Idaho’s $11.25 million literacy initiative paid dividends — particularly at the kindergarten level. Here’s a look at a decade’s worth of numbers.

Malek files paperwork for congressional run

On Monday, state Rep. Luke Malek moved one step closer to a run for an open congressional seat. Malek, R-Coeur d’Alene, is in his third term in the Legislature.

National survey shows declining support for charter schools

Americans are nearly evenly split on charter schools, according to a national survey released Tuesday. President Trump has made school choice the linchpin of his education platform.

What’s next? That’s the question for the funding formula committee

The Legislature’s school funding formula committee has a short, open-ended agenda Monday. The final item is telling: “committee discussion on options for moving forward.”

Vailas denies boosters’ threat forced his retirement

Idaho State University President Arthur Vailas will retire in June, ending a 12-year tenure long on controversy. The State Board of Education hopes to choose a successor by spring.

Summer of discontent? Boise gets some heat over proposed calendar change

In 2018-19, the Boise School District wants to move up the first day of school by one week. A group — headed by the owners of a local water park — opposes the move.

Another 60 percent goal: Higher ed task force wants SAT scores to improve

The task force wants 60 percent of high school students to meet the SAT’s college- and career-readiness benchmarks in 2022-23. Only 32 percent of juniors hit this target in April.

Fundraising for lieutenant governor gets off to a brisk start

The part-time lieutenant governor has limited responsibilities. But the post often becomes a stepping stone to higher office.

Higher ed task force reconvenes Friday

The group — which includes college and university presidents, business leaders and several state legislators — is expected to make recommendations in September.

State Board could tighten Idaho’s dual credit program

The discussion comes as Idaho provides high school students a line of credit to take college-level classes. It’s all part of a $12.1 million program that is growing faster than lawmakers expected.