Kevin’s blog

Bieter, City Council, YMCA back Boise bond issue

“Quality education is the cornerstone to our economy and to maintaining a livable city,” Mayor Dave Bieter said, in support of the $172.5 million bond issue.

Crapo staffer: Calls ran overwhelmingly against DeVos

About 95 percent of callers voiced opposition to controversial education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos, Crapo aide Bryan Ricker said in an article in the Ontario, Ore., Argus Observer.

Students plan anti-DeVos rally at Statehouse

We need to show her that we are watching and will take action if she tries to violate our right to a public education,” student organizers said on a Facebook page promoting Thursday’s rally.

Clow takes another run at Internet sales taxes

For years, some policymakers have pointed to Internet sales — and the growing e-commerce sector — as an untapped source of revenue for education and other state programs.

Funding formula committee will meet — briefly

Wednesday’s 30-minute meeting is a bit of a formality. The committee is expected to continue working through 2017, and draw up recommendations for the 2018 Legislature.

Business groups endorse Boise bond issue

The Boise district is seeking a $172.5 million bond issue on March 14.

Labrador supports mothballing U.S. Education Department

Rep. Raul Labrador is among seven Republican co-sponsors of a bill to eliminate the department on Dec. 31, 2018.

DeVos overstates grad rates for IDVA, other virtual schools

President Trump’s choice for education secretary listed Idaho’s largest charter as having a graduation rate at 90 percent but it is actually 35.5 percent.

Crapo says he will support DeVos nomination

Crapo’s Friday announcement comes as the controversial education secretary nominee faces a razor-thin Senate vote — and possibly an historic vote.

Boise spends $11,400 on bond issue voter information

The district says it vetted its mailer with legal counsel and has received no complaints. “We are allowed under the law to present factual information to the public,” spokesman Dan Hollar said.